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Narratives Across Digital Mediums

Individual projects created for weekly assignments during my Narrative, Digital Media, and Learning course to address problems I've faced in my experiences as a creator, learner, and educator.

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Narrative & Motion Graphics

Blink Speed

To help beginner photography students understand exposure, this explainer motion graphic is an introduction to shutter speed and motion blur that relates the camera function to blinking.

Roles: Voiceover Talent, Script Writer, Video Editor

Software/Sources: Adobe Premiere, Adobe Photoshop, Pixabay, Facebook Sound Collection, FX Swiftly Studio

Narrative & Audio

I Got In!

As an ice breaker activity for college orientation to initiate the conversations of students sharing their own stories and getting to know each other, this podcast style audio enhanced by sound effects and culturally relevant music tells the story of the general high school senior’s experience of receiving acceptance letters in the mail.

Roles: Voiceover Talent, Script Writer, Audio Engineer, Music Programmer, Editor

Software/Sources: Soundtrap & ZapSplat


Narrative & Instructional Design

SIMBY Presents: The Voices of Sisterly Affection

To highlight Philly's Black music herstory, this instructional design educates viewers about rapper Tierra Whack with photos and a documentary style video that tells her story using interview audio clips as the voiceover to footage of a model paying homage to her.

Roles: Creative Director, Instructional Designer, Photographer, Videographer, Editor

Software/Sources: Adobe Premiere, Adobe Lightroom, Boords, Youtube

Narrative, Games, & Learning


To memorize shot compositions as aspiring photographers, this lo-fi video prototype shows the concept of user practice and exploration to develop their eye by taking virtual photos in a game called “Viewfinder.”

Roles: Videographer, Editor

Software/Sources: Adobe Premiere, Pixabay, FX Swiftly Studios 

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Narrative & AR/VR/XR

SIMBY Presents: The Voices of Sisterly Affection

To tell the stories of nine women who are a part of Philly’s Black music herstory, this virtual exhibit uses photos, video, audio, and text that I created and designed for an immersive educational experience dedicated to amplifying the voices of Black womxn and girls from my hometown.

Roles: Producer ($10,000 project & display budget), Creative Director, Photographer, Videographer, Editor, Instructional Designer, Graphic Designer, Voiceover Talent, Co-Stylist, Music Programmer

Software: Hubs/Spoke by Mozilla, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, SoundTrap

Equipment: Canon 5D Mark IV, Canon M50, Canon 85mm F1.8, Canon 50mm F1.8, Tamron 19-35 mm F2.8, Canon 70-200mm F4, Zhiyun Crane II, Godox Strobe Light

Course Research & Design Projects

Individual and group projects completed for my Foundations of Learning Sciences

and Design Process for Learning courses

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Ethnographic Research

An Individual Research Project Analyzing Learning in Marriage Boot Camp

For the Learning in the Wild project in my Foundations of Learning Sciences master's course, I rewatched a season of Marriage Boot Camp to assess if, when, and how learning happens for couples claiming to change the fate of their relationships with the tools they gain from this experience. 

Guiding Research Questions: While the the premise of the show is to provide these couples with the skills to decide if they'll stay together after boot camp instead of promising a fixed relationship in ten days, does learning really happen in this reality television setting for this goal to be achieved? How does this learning happen or fail to happen in the ten days allotted for boot camp? How does the group dynamic of the house impact the learning necessary for these couples to make the decision that’ll ultimately make or break their relationships? 

As someone looking to create immersive learning experiences for Black womxn and girls, I looked forward to analyzing the cultural relevance of the exercises designed for the cast and the impact of representation that a Black counselor and judge has on the participation of this all Black cast.

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Learning Design

A Group Project Designing a Digital Storytelling Library Course

In my Design Process for Learning course, we completed a semester long group project that was a learning design for a hypothetical client. 

Problem Statement: This project focuses on developing an 8-module library course to introduce inexperienced 12-19 year-olds with low library engagement to digital storytelling tools/methods.

Role: Research Lead, SME Interview & User Testing

Other tasks completed in group collaboration: Ideation/Storyboards,

Logic Model/Tech Rationale

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Learning Design: Case Study

An Individual Research Project Analyzing Learning in MasterClass

In my Design Process for Learning course, I completed a case study on David Rogier and MasterClass: where anyone can learn from the world’s best. Rogier is the CEO and president of the EdTech company. To conduct this research, I watched several youtube interviews, read articles, and took a MasterClass myself to analyze the design principles used, the effectiveness of the design, and to offer suggestions of improvement. I purchases the year subscription offered to students for $1 during the pandemic, so this was a great opportunity to engage with this platform after wanting to for years but not being able to afford it.

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